Please Call Aric Gerber (970) 629-1818 or Stacy Gray (970) 629-2468 if you are interested in a bull.
5 Bar Angus Ranch Family
The Gerber Family legacy began in 1915 when the land was homesteaded by Ernest and Mary Gerber in Moffat County, CO.
Through the years the family has continued the ranching operations, raising cattle, hay, wheat, and potatoes.
Aric Gerber and Stacy Gray, children of Eldon and Janet, began their beef enterprise at an early age. After a few years they had a small herd of commercial cows, and through raising 4-H heifers, eventually expanded to include Registered Angus Cattle, the beginning of 5 Bar Angus Ranch.

Proven Genetics with 30 Years of Data
What started out as raising great heifers to show in 4-H, began a life long passion in the brother/sister duo of Aric and Stacy to raise high-quality Angus cattle. They focus their attention on the breeding genetics of their herd as well as producing the best beef possible.
Those first 4-H heifers are still the foundation of the current 5 Bar Angus breeding program. Through careful trait selection, the extensive use of AI breeding, and genomically enhanced EPD’s, Aric and Stacy have built a seedstock operation in the harsh high altitude desert conditions of Northwest Colorado that provides high performance, easy working cattle with moderate birth weights.
reference Sires
Our AI sires are from ABS Global Beef Sires.