2025 Bulls for Sale



  • CAB Targeting

    65% of this year’s yearling sale bulls met the min. CAB Targeting Brand Requirements.

    70% of our replacement heifer calves this year also met CAB TB min requirements.

  • Maternal Plus

    MATERNAL PLUS herd designation through American Angus Association AHIR (Animal Herd Improvement Records)

    Over 30 years of inventory herd reporting to AAA to improve EPD accuracy, etc. earning MATERNAL PLUS BADGE on our registration papers

    As part of MaternalPlus program, our herd data was part of the research Functional Longevity EPD and this was the notification we received.

  • The Power of Angus

    Power of data:

    The American Angus Association's genetic evaluation is based on the most extensive single breed database in the world. With more than 80 million datapoints, the EPDs and Indexes on a REGISTERED Angus allow you to make your buying and breeding decisions with unmatched confidence.

    Power of pedigree:

    The American Angus Association's registry keeps documented pedigrees on all REGISTERED Angus. Being confident in the ancestry and genetic composition of your herd bull enables the most informed buying decisions possible.

    Power of programs:

    Only calves out of REGISTERED Angus bulls are eligible for the market premiums on verified Angus-sired feeder cattle. Programs like AngusLink give you a marketing advantage and using REGISTERED Angus bulls is the first step. Feeder cattle marketed with AngusLink last year, received an average premium in $13.01/cwt.

  • PAP Testing

    Over 30 years of PAP testing with Dr Holt, (along with submitting PAP scores to AAA for creation of PAP EPD’s and Genomic Testing are used to improve our PAP EPD’s accuracies).